Arsip Tag: pariwisata

What is the Lottery?

The lottery is a game of chance in which numbers are drawn at random to determine the winners of a prize. It is a form of gambling and some governments outlaw it, while others endorse it and organize state or national lotteries. The prize money may be anything from cash to goods or services.

The term lottery is probably derived from the Dutch noun lot meaning “fate”. The first modern public lotteries were held in the Low Countries during the early 15th century to raise funds for town fortifications and to help the poor. Later, they became popular as a painless form of taxation, and by the 17th century, it was common to raise funds for a variety of public usages via lotteries. The oldest still running lottery is the Staatsloterij in the Netherlands, founded in 1726.

In the United States, lotteries are a very common source of revenue for local government agencies. In addition to funding the police, fire departments, and schools, they also provide funds for parks and other recreational facilities. These revenues are collected by selling tickets to the public, which are then drawn at random for a prize. Although the odds of winning are relatively low, lotteries have become extremely popular and are widely regarded as an effective means of raising public funds.

Many people try to improve their chances of winning the lottery by implementing various strategies. Some of these strategies are based on the theory that certain combinations are luckier than others, while others involve buying multiple tickets to increase their chances of winning. However, there is no evidence that any of these strategies can actually improve the odds of winning.

Aside from the fact that there is no evidence that these strategies work, it is important to remember that there is no guaranteed way to win the lottery. Even if you buy the most tickets possible, your chances of winning are only 1 in 100 million. It is therefore advisable to choose your numbers carefully and avoid relying on luck alone.

Another factor that affects the odds is the size of the prize. If the jackpot is too small, people will not purchase tickets, and the odds will decrease. On the other hand, if the prize is too large, the odds will be too high for anyone to win. Consequently, it is important for each lottery to find the right balance between the jackpot and the odds.

Some lottery games are based on the number of balls or numbers in play, while others are based on a percentage of tickets sold. In the former case, it is possible to calculate the probability of winning by using a simple formula. In the latter case, it is necessary to use a computer program.

The purchase of lottery tickets cannot be accounted for by decision models based on expected value maximization, as ticket prices are generally higher than the expected gains. Nevertheless, more general utility functions can capture risk-seeking behavior, and these models are likely to explain why some people buy lottery tickets.

Ciletuh Pelabuhan Ratu Masuk Daftar Peninggalan Budaya Unesco

Pada 12 April 2018 UNESCO Executive Boards Summit ke-204 yang diselenggarakan di Paris, Prancis, secara aklamasi mengaku fenomena alam fantastis Indonesia yang disebutkan Geopark Ciletuh-Pelabuhan Ratu di Kabupaten Sukabumi di Jawa Barat.

Keempat Taman Bumi atau Geopark di Indonesia yang sekarang ini sudah terakreditasi sebagai Geopark UNESCO. Ini ialah: Mt. Geopark Batur di Bali, Geopark Gunung Sewu di Yogyakarta dan Jawa tengah, Mt. Geopark Rinjani di nusa Lombok, dan saat ini terhitung Geopark Ciletuh-Pelabuhan Ratu.

Taman Bumi Geopark Indonesia Telah Diakui Oleh Organisasi UNESCO

“Saran itu diterima secara aklamasi, maknanya semua negara anggota sudah menyepakati keputusan pemberian credit Ciletuh-Pelabuhan Ratu sebagai Unesco Global Geopark” tutur Dana Budiman, General Manajer Management Geopark Ciletuh-Pelabuhan Ratu. Semenjak awalnya Agustus 2017, Geopark sudah dipelajari oleh team dari UNESCO. Sekarang sesudah sah diputuskan sebagai UGG, CIletuh-Pelabuhan Ratu yang meliputi semua fenomenanya yang mengagumkan tentu bakal ada sebagai arah rekreasi khusus.

“Kekuatannya benar-benar fantastis dan keelokan alamnya komplet. Kami mempunyai panorama gunung, air terjun, sawah, sungai, muara, dan banyak yang mengagumkan. Dan berikut kenapa kami lakukan semua peluang untuk memikulgkannya hingga bisa selekasnya tingkatkan daya lokal kami. ekonomi” kata Dana.

Geopark Ciletuh-Pelabuhan Ratu mempunyai luas keseluruhan sekitaran 126.000 hektar. Mencakup 74 dusun, beberapa cagar alam dan teritori pelestarian terhitung teritori pelestarian penyu di Pangumbahan dan Dusun Tradisi Batik di Purwasedar. Wilayah ini dikitari oleh petak-petak daratan aluvial yang dihias dengan batu-batuan fantastis yang memesona dan panorama yang mengagumkan.

Sukabumi dan Dermaga Ratu telah menarik pencarian alam dan penjelajahan biasa yang tiba kesini dengan teratur untuk kemping, menuruni gua yang merayap lewat terowong gelap dan stalaktit dan stalagmit yang cantik, mandi panjat air terjun, sementara lainnya sukai berseluncur di ombak yang melaju turun ke pantai Dermaga Ratu. Dusun Cimajaat Dermaga Ratu kerap jadi tuan tempat tinggal persaingan selancar internasional.

Situs istimewa yang lain ialah Air Terjun Awang, Air Terjun Mulia, Air Terjun Cimarunjung, Bukit Panenjoan, Nusa Daeu, Nusa Manuk, Geyser Cisolok, dan ada banyak kembali.

Menteri Pariwisata RI, Afief Yahya menyongsong baik keputusan itu, memperjelas jika dianya selalu percaya Geopark Ciletuh-Pelabuhan Ratu bakal diterima sebagai Unesco Global Geopark.

“Formulasi tujuan kelas dunia ialah pertunjukan, aksesbilitas, dan sumber daya pariwisata. Geopark CIletuh-Pelabuhan Ratu mempunyai semua syarat, hingga aku percaya bakal dikukuhkan sebagai UGG” kata Menteri Arief Yahya. Tiga komponen paling penting yang dibutuhkan untuk dinamakan UGG ialah: geo-diversity, biodiversity, dan cultural-diversity, dan semua komponen itu ada di Geopark Ciletuh-Palabuhan Ratu. “Aku individu rasakan keelokan pantai Ujung Genteng di taman. Itu betul-betul fantastis, surga sejati di sejauh pantai selatan Jawa Barat” lebih Menkeu.

Bertepatan dengan CIletuh-Pelabuhan Ratu, UNESCO mengaku 12 Geopark yang lain dari 11 negara di dunia.